A tip for all cadets,
In order for you to strive for the highest rank, practical actions are needed saying it verbally that you want to attain a certain rank wouldn't help.
Such like in order to achieve the pinnacle badge, in which pinnacle means the highest point, as of success and power and this badge for the year 2009 out of all schools and hundreds of cadets only 26 were successful enough in achieve this badge and in each and every one of them, a similar quality is found in them discipline.
Bringing out the best in every individual is what a uniform group does, thus success comes when you have humility and good properties in you. All the best to cadets whom are striving hard in NCDCC.
Such like in order to achieve the pinnacle badge, in which pinnacle means the highest point, as of success and power and this badge for the year 2009 out of all schools and hundreds of cadets only 26 were successful enough in achieve this badge and in each and every one of them, a similar quality is found in them discipline.
Bringing out the best in every individual is what a uniform group does, thus success comes when you have humility and good properties in you. All the best to cadets whom are striving hard in NCDCC.
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